Stands & Showrooms Events Tecnalia's "feeling" factory

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Tecnalia's "feeling" factory sweeps the Biennial

Promueve recreates the “FÁBRICA SINTIENTE” for Tecnalia

The Machine Tool Biennial took place from June 03 to 07, 2024 at the Bilbao Exhibition Center located in Barakaldo (Bizkaia). Tecnalia's evolutionary vision of industry is based on two main anchors: THE PEOPLE and THE ECOSYSTEM. To visualize this vision, Tecnalia pivoted its participation with the following slogan:



For this, we developed a conceptual proposal in which we sought to convey the essence of the proposal in space:

Una vez definida la naturaleza del espacio, quisimos proyectar una volumetría que diferenciara claramente lo que es “dentro” y “fuera” de la propuesta de Tecnalia mostrando veladamente contenido y generando una atracción al visitante.

On the other hand, we added Artificial Intelligence to our contribution, which was to be the main protagonist of this sentient factory.

After this analysis, the ceiling emerged, full of content, as a network of intelligent nodes that connects to the stand through the different connection points, and the operations center, elevated from the rest of the areas through a ramp.

We show here some more renderings to appreciate how close the proposal is to reality.

El stand de Tecnalia siempre ha sido ejemplar para Promueve, un laboratorio y fuente de innovación, que año tras año, da un salto vertiginoso y cada vez proyecta más y mejor si cabe su propuesta de valor diferencial e innovaciones, frente a la industria tecnológica más avanzada.

¡Super orgullosxs de este stand!

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